The ancient evil known as Doom has decided to make a change. In this new world, Numenera, Doom has manifested as an intelligent virus that controls its hosts. The infect are known as 'Doomladen' and they know each other regardless of a host's external form. They are lead by powerful beings with strange relics - the Thunderstones - and once again you must defeat them to save the world.
Your Adventure Continues in Monte Cook's Numenera!
An all new setting based on Monte Cook's new RPG New Doomladen mechanic unites various monster groups against you All-new heroes with new abilities New Setting Cards change the game you play Many exciting new magical items and equipment Powerful new Thunderstone Bearers lurk in every dungeon
Contents of Thunderstone Advance - Numenera
13 New Heroes, 10 New Monster Groups, 21 New Village Cards, 5 New Treasure Cards, 2 Sets of Ranger Mark Tokens, XP Tokens, XP Bag, d20, Dividers, Rulebook, Double-sided Game Board, XP Tokens